Monday, February 03, 2025

Cooper Koch Five Times

The next few days will be a little spotty here as I rush to finish up all of my Sundance reviews from my Sundance-related absence last week -- apologies et cetera but you've got several reviews for cool movies coming from me soon so that's something! Also something -- this fiery hot photoshoot of actor and gay gorgeousness Cooper Koch for Perfect magazine (via) -- and yes these dropped last week but as I just said I was busy dammit. I'm getting to them now, in between the continued busy-ness at least. Lots of catching up to do. Anyway! Cooper! Koch! Hit the jump for him being ridiculously gratutious in the greatest of ways...


Anonymous said...

Cigarette killed my interest and attention.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, well, he can put it out and brush! So what! Hot...