Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Gone Sundancin'

Okay I had planned on using the post below this one as my send-off as I'm now off to get lost in the folds of my sofa (not a euhpemism) while watching Sundance movies virtually through this Sunday. But then I stumbled across this vintage picture of one Sundance founder Robert Redford and uhhhhhh let's just say it won the day. See y'all back here Monday and thank you, Mr. Redford! 


Anonymous said...

He is so sexy, isn’t he? I remember seeing him shirtless (supposedly naked) in bed with Barbra Streisand in The Way We Were and wishing I were in bed with him instead of Babs.

The Bad-Ass Penguin said...

Sexy Ginger Otter!

stoney8 said...

For Clarification: Are You Watching Movies Sent To You By Sundance For Review Or Are You Watching The Sundance Channel??

mrripley said...

He could put Robin Williams to shame in the furry department.