My boyfriend was out of town last week and I needed something that I could watch without getting in trouble -- y'all know how relationships be! -- and so I settled on the screeners I had of Guy Ritchie's new Netflix series The Gentlemen, which I was certain would be a show I could half watch while doing other stuff that my boyfriend couldn't care less about. And then the show began and I loved it -- loved loved loved it. It's easily, handily the best thing Ritchie has ever done -- granted I say this as someone who's never been big on his whole thing. British crime comedies with indecipherable accents and an endless supply of no-homo humor was never much my cuppa! And yet The Gentlemen (which is based on his own 2019 movie which had an extremely hot Charlie Hunnam in it) is exactly that -- it's a British crime comedy with indecipherable accents and an endless supply of no-homo humor. And yet! He makes it work this time? Theo James stars as an aristocrat who gets unexpectedly pulled into a drug cartel and James has never been more charming -- even better though is Kaya Scodelario as the defacto leader of said crime syndicate...
... and yes it surprises me as much as it does you that Guy Ritchie gave a great role to an actress. But she's terrific, her chemistry with James is sly and surprising, and the entire cast of weirdos that Ritchie surrounds them with kept me vastly entertained. I never quite knew where it was heading, and I was always happily surprised by where it went. I flew through the eight episodes in about three nights and I was incredibly sad when it ended. I want more! So please go wtch the show when it drops tomorrow and make it a hit so I can get more. I don't ask for much! I am so used to the things I love being flops -- I am broken and mean! Heal my heart! Here's the trailer:
Like I said this drops tomorrow on Netflix. And if you need more
convincing, here is Harry Goodwins who plays Kaya's boxer brother:
And if you're all good little boys and girls and others and watch the show like I asked and then remind me I will do a nice big proper gratuitous Harry Goodwins post next week, I promise. No I am not above blackmail.
Seriously, Lady Mary saying "there's fuckery afoot" isn't your cuppa? Look it up ...........
I've been reading that people see this series as Ritchie's audition reel for the Bond directing gig, but after watching it all I could think of is Theo James as the new 007. Was never a fan of his before (although he was well used in The White Lotus), but he's terrific in this and very Bond-ish. You read it here first (or maybe not, since I'm commenting days after the original post).
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