Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Vibin' With The Vourdalak!

The literal only reason the vampire puppet surreal horror film The Vourdalak only made it onto my list of runners-up in my favorite 2024 films was because of a mistake on my part -- somewhere in the editing and endless re-editing process of said list I misplaced the film's title from the document I was working on and I didn't realize it until I'd posted the final list. If the title had been there in front of me and I had remembered it The Vourdalak would have been in my Top 20 and I feel shitty about it! But now you can see the movie for yourself and understand why I feel so shitty for that mistake -- it's now streaming on Shudder.  It's one of 2024's great films, absolutely singular and odd and funny and delightful, and I adore it -- here is my original review. The film is also getting a blu-ray release (thank goodness!) in "Late Spring 2025" and you can buy it on Oscilliscope's website for the time being. I have a feeling a lot of people will be discovering and loving this now that it's more broadly available! 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If there's any hope in this cruel world we would turn the Vourdalak a gay icon the same way we made the Babadook one