Tuesday, October 29, 2024

Queer The Trailer Is Here, It's Queer

She's here and she's lovely! The trailer for Luca Gudagnino's Queer arrived this morning -- why do they always have to drop while I'm in the middle of my work commute? -- and you can watch it below. If this is your first time here this is Luca's adaptation of William S. Burroughs' novel starring Daniel Craig as a Burroughs stand-in during his time in Mexico and South America, swooning over a hot but semi-indifferent boy played by Drew Starkey. 

I reviewed the movie right here when it screened at NYFF earlier this month -- I was a fan. Of course I was a fan. What can I say at this point? Luca and I work on very similar wave-lengths. Here's a bit of what I said about the film:

"Queer is a bold act of kindness from one queer to another, excavating an unexpected and impossible love story out from one of our most enigmatic homosexual touchstones. It is a rare gem, haunting and strange, a romance of shivering ache and heartbreak closer to Guadagnino’s Suspiria or Bones and All than the flushed skin and peach fuzz of I Am Love and Call Me By Your Name that Luca-in-lover-mode is known for. It’s dazzling and dirty and sad, like a haunting dream we find ourselves fighting to not wake up from so as to not have to stare at the empty, featureless room that surrounds us."

The trailer kind of splits the difference between the two Lucas and I suppose that's apt -- when I saw him talk about the movie (see some video here) he insisted this was a love story, just for two people out of sync, and that's very true. 

It's weirder than that implies though, especially its last act which I love and understood in my bones but which has thrown a lot of people off. Anyway you'll see soon enough. Here's the trailer:

Queer is out on November 27th!

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