Our Jake is on the cover of The Hollywood Reporter today and unbelievably after all of these many many years being obsessed I learned three new things about him via the interview included alongside the pictures -- apparently he is legally blind and has to wear corrective lenses? How the fuck did that information remain elusive all these years? And the second bit is far less substantial but pretty amusing, having to do with the goofy reason that the Road House remake was born:
"Road House, the apotheosis of Gyllenhaal’s mid-career action era, has an amusingly shallow origin story: He and director Doug Liman ran into each other at a 5K they were both running on Martha’s Vineyard during the pandemic. Gyllenhaal had been spending lockdown doing a lot of biking and was incredibly fit, and Liman decided he wanted to make a movie with him with his shirt off."
You know -- maybe I didn't love the Road House re-do, but I love this, and I love Doug Liman for this, and all the movie's mediocrity is now forgiven. More movies made simply to get Jake's shirt off, please! And the third new thing from the interview -- he apparently has a role in his sis Maggie's next movie, the Bride of Frankenstein update with Christian Bale and Jessie Buckley! No word on what but let's hope it's a naked corpse on a slab. What? Don't look at me that way. Anyway words and revelations are nifty but sexy pictures are even better, so go ahead and hit the jump for the pictures now...
I understand and applaud the decision of seeing him shirtless and needing to make a movie with Shirtless Jake right away...but why Shaved Chest Jake? What is it with Hollywood thinking the effort of an insane Jake/Roadhouse body is only visible while shaved? Is "trimmed" not a thing anymore?
All the time while watching I was like, "When is he shaving? It's been a while since he fought and needed to show the abs on camera and he's just the bar's bodyguard or whatever. This guy should have zero energy or interest in shaving his entire body all the time."
I fully support the above Annoymus PSA message. Leave the chest alone first choice. Maybe a light trim for a second choice. But as smooth as a baby's bottom is a no-go for me. I don't want to have sex with Jake-only if he insists-but a nice cuddle would do me wonders. Just to let Jake know, that as a gay man I know some tricks.
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