Wednesday, June 05, 2024

Good Morning, World

Did y'all hear that Scream and 13 Reasons Why cutie Dylan Minnette has said that he's quit acting? I guess he's also in a band and he's prioritizing that. What a shame! Well I guess we'll always have that shower scene in Scream to appreciate. 


bdog said...

It's a break. He'll be back.
Like everything in that shitshow, the shower scene was extremely disappointing.
They couldn't even give us some butt.

Jeffery said...

I guess he made enough money and didn’t piss it away to give himself the time to do what he really wants to do.,

Simon said...

It’s just a break I’m sure he’ll be back. His band Wallows last album was one of my favourite albums. Every song is great, I even bought it on vinyl. The new album has some great songs too, havent listened to the whole album yet. He really does need to start acting though cause he’s currently the hottest he’s ever looked.

Jason Adams said...

Simon -- I saw some recent pictures of him with his band when I was doing this post and AGREED he looks fucking HOT right now