Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Glen Powell Seven Times

I think we're probably skirting the line of everybody being a little Glen-Powell'd out so I hope he kind of backs off between now and Twisters' release in... mid-July? Oh christ. Well I guess Hit Man is hitting Netflix (or did already?) so three big films in the span of a couple of months isn't entirely his fault, the need to promote them all. I just hope his people are advising him to back off a little soon. As much as I like staring at him (and lord knows I do ) it's been a new photo-shoot every week for months now. Give somebody else a chance to arouse us for a moment, Glen! Anyway this new one is for British GQ, you can read it here, or you can hit the jump for the rest of the photos...

1 comment:

bdog said...

Maybe it's because I thought Top Gun 2: The Same Fucking Movie was so awful, but I have no interest in this guy. Hopefully, Twister 2: Is It The Same Fucking Movie? will focus on Anthony Ramos and Brandon Perea more, but most likely will primarily be about the 2 dull white folks in the lead.