Tuesday, January 02, 2024

The Former Year in Queer

I really didn't do much work over the holiday -- if you follow me on social media then you probably caught on that I spent the majority of my time going through the piles and piles of physical media that'd grown up around me and began the ongoing process of listing tons of stuff for sale on eBay -- but I did do one thing and it's a good important thing. I wrote up my list of favorite LGBTQ+ movies of 2023 for Pajiba -- click here and you can read that and it'll give you a good idea of where my head was at for the year since I haven't posted my actual Top 10 (or more likely 20) of the year yet. On that note I am 100% going to try and get that pounded out before I leave for Sundance in a couple of weeks, so stick around maybe.


shawnp said...

getting rid of Love and Rockets?!

NealB said...

Is All of Us Strangers actually playing anywhere yet?

Jason Adams said...

It's been out in NYC since right before Xmas - probably LA too? I'm not sure if it opened wider in the week after but yes, the usual somewheres it's now playing!

Shawny said...

Would Horseplay have made the honorable mention section if you had one? Its in my top 10. I admit I haven't seen most of the films on your list tho. I liked Saltburn but didn't really feel enough gay in it for me to include it.

Jason Adams said...

Shawny I haven't even heard of Horseplay - I will look it up!

Since my list wasn't just gay, it was all the flavors of the rainbow, I felt fine including Saltburn -- but I mean Barry gets fucked in the ass and eats cum, I think it's gay enough ;)

Shawny said...

It's probably because Horseplay was from 2022. I just checked. It took a while for it to be available here. A nudity filled movie about a bunch of mostly straight men on vacation together, who are all obsessed with gay sex. It completely points the finger at their hypocrisy.