Nobody's done me better for these "Good Morning" posts over the years than former Sense8 star Miguel Angel Silvestre -- whenever I need something, he got something. (And what a something, what several somethings, they is.) I wish I got to see him you know act as much as I got to see him you know this...
... but if not both then definitely one of these things please. These are more photos for that razor campaign I shared some photos from last week (right here), via his Insta of course. In related news did anybody catch the cameo his Sense8 character (an actor named Lito) apparently made in the new Matrix movie? The Wachowskis of course hired several of their actors from that show but sadly not Miguel, but I heard there was...
... a theater marquee advertising one of Lito's movies, and sure enough, one google later, there it be (click to embiggen). That's fun. That's a non-obnoxious Easter Egg that doesn't stop the plot and shout at itself like let's say every single thing that happens in the last Ghostbusters movie. Anyway that also makes me realize I haven't said anything about The Matrix Resurrections since break ended? WTF, Me. I don't have a ton to say about it -- I thought it was a lot of fun and romantic and clever and ...
The entire nighttime city streets chase sequence in The Matrix Resurrections is probably The Action Set-piece of this year, jaw dropping, horrifying, absolutely gorgeous, and people are saying the film’s action is lackluster?? What do people even want anymorrrrr #Matrix
— Jason Adams (@JAMNPP) December 24, 2021
... had that. And our boy Groff was a hoot. It's definitely my second favorite Matrix movie now, after the first one (which remains utterly and completely perfect). Other people have written much more interesting things about it than I have to say (clearly). I recommend it though. And I also recommend you hit the jump for three more pictures, while we're at the whole recommending things...
1 comment:
I loved the movie. I thought it was lots of fun. All the excessive negativity its kind of pathetic.
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