That shot of Joaquin in the new Vanity Fair makes me laugh and laugh -- putting his hands on his face like a Victorian lady aghast at something improper, and all. I can practically hear him cooing with unconcealed delight, "My heavens!" Anyway I haven't seen Joker yet and I just canceled my plans to see it tonight because I just don't have it in me right now, so if y'all wanna tell me what you thought of it now's yer chance. I'll get around to it at some point, I'm not too worried about it.
"Joker" is a ludicrously over-rated pile of exploitative garbage, everybody involved in the making of the film should be thoroughly ashamed of themselves.
I think hes saying: "I`m living like a God on High Olympus really, and all from acting like a silly bastard in shit movies, aren`t i cheeky".
Vile. Moronic. Endless.
I liked it... but I now see how ill Mr Phoenix must be in his mind. Or he’s brilliant.
I feel like everyone is bringing way too much dang baggage to this movie without just letting it be watched for its own merits. I took it as a darkly funny, though mostly depressing character study with some pretty interesting and grounded takes on the character and really cool imagery. I would double feature it with Lucky McKee's May. I think perhaps it runs a little long and therefore Phoenix is shown hitting his same performance moments a few too many times but overall I think it really works in the same way a one off graphic novel does, so to speak.
The film is a commentary masterpiece on the apathy of the 1%
A few gaping plot holes and acres of undigested scenery later, it finally came to an end.
Phoenix certainly deserves The Most Acting of the Year Award. Here's hoping none of the critics' groups confuse this with Best Actor.
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