... (a secular one, if you don't mind)... because I think I'm gonna finally force myself to watch A Serbian Film tonight. Can I get arrested for even just admitting that? Who knows, the way the world's turning. I've been sitting on a copy for a couple of months and been hesitant but all this bullshit's calling my mind's bluff. Gotta man up. Anybody seen it? I don't really know what to expect except, via the immortal words of Rich at FourFour, "Don't let your metaphor rape a baby."
Robert's got a good piece up at The Film Experience today talking about this same sort of thing with regards to Salo and Dogtooth, neither of which if I'm gonna be honest I had much of a hard time with (here's my Dogtooth review). But two flicks that I've seen recently and have had a hard time with are In a Glass Cage (my review) and Clownhouse (my review) and both of those were due to qualms having to do with pedophilia, so ASF very well might fall into that camp.
Ugh why do I feel the need to watch these things? God. Maybe I should just watch Finding Nemo instead. Happy thoughts! Happy thoughts! Sigh.
"When it comes to extreme cinema, I enjoy sitting back as detached as possible and watching what the film is doing to try to freak me out. However, I did not enjoy Srpski Film on any level. The amount of detachment needed to do so would require decapitation."
Robert's got a good piece up at The Film Experience today talking about this same sort of thing with regards to Salo and Dogtooth, neither of which if I'm gonna be honest I had much of a hard time with (here's my Dogtooth review). But two flicks that I've seen recently and have had a hard time with are In a Glass Cage (my review) and Clownhouse (my review) and both of those were due to qualms having to do with pedophilia, so ASF very well might fall into that camp.

It's a bore, too obvious in its intention to shock (but at least it has a sense of humor).
So..? Did you watch it?
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