AICN: I haven’t really heard what you are up to next. I’ve heard little things here and there about things certain passion projects to other things. Do you know what you are doing next at this point?
JG: I’m talking now, so it’s hard for me to go into specifics, because you never know, but I can say that I’m very excited about something. [Laughs]
AICN: I’ve got to say, I would love to see the Joe Namath bio film finally happen for you. That’s a killer story.
JG: I know. He as a person and as a character is just… That would be the best. The one thing is is Duncan and the making of this movie and the process of this movie has inspired me to be bold, in the same way that DONNIE DARKO or a couple other movies that were experiences did. Ultimately, every movie is a lesson, but this was just an intimacy that I don’t want to not have again.
He might be talking about being excited about that "gritty cop drama" with the writer of Training Day that he was rumored for the other week. Yawn. How long do I have to wait for Brokeback Mountain 2: Jack Twist Takes Studio 54?
In all seriousness, I think that Source Code, even if I was sliiiiightly ambivalent about it, might be the hit Jake needs right now. It's terribly, terrifically mainstream, and rousing in that crowd-pleasing sort of way. I think people will really like it, and it will do well, basically. And so it's probably smart of him to wait and see and then make his decisions after that.
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