What movie is this?
"I now forgive Calvin Klein for previously hiring Justin Bieber as a model. I literally stopped buying the brand at that. I will reconsider now."--- MNPP commenter Dan approves, as do we all, of CK's use of Aaron Taylor-Johnson as their latest underwear model. Our baby boy is looking good!
Charlie's Angels?
You got it, anon. Good work!
Here is where I admit I've seen this movie at least three or four times as many times as I've seen The Godfather or Citizen Kane.
Damnit. I totally knew this one.
"Here is where I admit I've seen this movie at least three or four times as many times as I've seen The Godfather or Citizen Kane."
Mulitply that difference by three or four times, and that is how many times I've seen CA:FT as I've seen the first movie. Great movie, that.
charlies angels
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