Thursday, March 03, 2011

Actually Yes, I Am Talking To You

How is it even possible that one of the definitive New York movies, Martin Scorsese's Taxi Driver, is screening with that fancy new 4D technology across the country for two nights for its 35th anniversary, everywhere except for in New York City? That is crazy talk! Crazy talk.

There's an AMC theater - they're the ones showing the film - right at 42nd and 8th, otherwise known as the home of all the "whores, skunk pussies, buggers, queens, fairies, dopers, junkies, sick, venal." The home of the real rain. WTF! I can't wait for the 35th anniversary screenings of Manhattan that take place in Sioux City and Orlando.



FDot said...

Film Forum is showing it from March 18-31. They say it's a new 35mm restoration, not sure if it's the same one AMC is showing.

Jason Adams said...

Thanks for the heads-up on that, FDot. It'll be awesome enough just seeing it on a big (or biggish, since it is FF we're talking about here) screen. :)

RDaggle said...

4D ??!!

hmm.. the Fourth Dimension is Time.

Maybe they are afraid if they show it in NYC, when you leave the theater it will actually be 1976 all over again.