As mentioned in this year's introduction to the Pantys, we're celebrating our favorite performances of 2010 a little bit differently. Instead of just telling you who my favorite performances of the year were, I tossed the names of my favorite 10 male performances and my favorite 10 female performances into a hat, pulled out one of each sex at random, and am now going to imagine what the hell the two characters these actors so indelibly portrayed would have to say to one another if they ever met. Because why not? Here's our fourth pair. I give you an imagined moment between...

Lola: Ya know what?.
Mark: What?
Lola: You've sure gotcha self a preetty mouth.
Mark: Uh yeah okay I've never been told that one before okay.
Lola: What's the mattah? You seem kinda nahvous.
Mark: Nervous why would I be nervous I got a sixteen hundred on my SATs and am currently browsing my selection of the final clubs up to and including the Phoenix and where did you go to school anyway B.U heheheh?
Lola: Ya know what?
Mark: ... What?
Lola: I think you should leeck my finger with that preetty mouth. Go on then. Leeck it.
priceless lol!
can't wat to see who Ryan Gosling's "Dean" gets matched up with
Someone has to make this short film. NOW!
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