Monday, January 03, 2011

Five Frames From ?


What movie is this?


Anonymous said...


Jason Adams said...

Yes! That is the one - good work madgebettany! I was just starting to think it was a stumper, nobody was guessing.

I got a little lost watching adorable Sean Bean while grabbing these frames...

Anonymous said...

Ah, Mr. Bean. I'm reading Game of Thrones right now just for him (and Lena, too, and Nikolaj...)

Jason Adams said...

I finally picked up Book 4, A Feast For Crows, over this past weekend. I flew thru the first 3 last year but felt a little overwhelmed and needed a break and thought hey, I'll wait a bit and hopefully GRRM will announce when the fifth book is coming and I won't feel so annoyed that I'm caught up... but my patience already wore thin. He better annoucne something before I'm done dammit! And yes I know people have been yelling that for about five years now. I'm just hoping I'm closer to the breaking point than they've been I guess.

Anyway the books rock and I can't wait for the series and all those actors either, the end.