What movie is this?
"I now forgive Calvin Klein for previously hiring Justin Bieber as a model. I literally stopped buying the brand at that. I will reconsider now."--- MNPP commenter Dan approves, as do we all, of CK's use of Aaron Taylor-Johnson as their latest underwear model. Our baby boy is looking good!
Yes! That is the one - good work madgebettany! I was just starting to think it was a stumper, nobody was guessing.
I got a little lost watching adorable Sean Bean while grabbing these frames...
Ah, Mr. Bean. I'm reading Game of Thrones right now just for him (and Lena, too, and Nikolaj...)
I finally picked up Book 4, A Feast For Crows, over this past weekend. I flew thru the first 3 last year but felt a little overwhelmed and needed a break and thought hey, I'll wait a bit and hopefully GRRM will announce when the fifth book is coming and I won't feel so annoyed that I'm caught up... but my patience already wore thin. He better annoucne something before I'm done dammit! And yes I know people have been yelling that for about five years now. I'm just hoping I'm closer to the breaking point than they've been I guess.
Anyway the books rock and I can't wait for the series and all those actors either, the end.
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