I've made no secret of my let's-say-unexpected crush on Michael Sheen, and likewise made no secret of my love for queer villainy, so it really ought not to surprise anyone when I say in my new piece at Celebrity Beehive:
And I stand by that claim. I never did write up a review for that movie - I saw it so much further past when anyone's continued caring about it - but even though I graded it a C I'm not entirely unfond of the film. It's overlong by a mile - it doesn't help that all the good action is front-loaded; the disc-fight and light-cycle scenes kick ass - and I am never going to understand Olivia Wilde, but there was enough quirk crammed into the corners of the insane sort that Michael Sheen is sharing that when I think of the film now a couple of weeks later it's these good things I'm remembering and notsomuch the dead-eyed bloat.

Plus did I mention Garrett Hedlund? I could stare at Garrett Hedlund in that skin-tight bodysuit of his for a couple hours more I could, and the camera was nearly as infatuated with lingering on watching him walk away as I was.

Ass aside, that voice y'all. That voice! So basso profondo it's like pushing your crotch against a speaker playing the Inception soundtrack. Don't believe me? Watch this clip of him singing in Country Strong (which is out this week and is also featured in my CelebBeehive piece):
"And for the record, Michael Sheen is worth the 18 dollar ticket to TRON alone."
And I stand by that claim. I never did write up a review for that movie - I saw it so much further past when anyone's continued caring about it - but even though I graded it a C I'm not entirely unfond of the film. It's overlong by a mile - it doesn't help that all the good action is front-loaded; the disc-fight and light-cycle scenes kick ass - and I am never going to understand Olivia Wilde, but there was enough quirk crammed into the corners of the insane sort that Michael Sheen is sharing that when I think of the film now a couple of weeks later it's these good things I'm remembering and notsomuch the dead-eyed bloat.

Plus did I mention Garrett Hedlund? I could stare at Garrett Hedlund in that skin-tight bodysuit of his for a couple hours more I could, and the camera was nearly as infatuated with lingering on watching him walk away as I was.

Ass aside, that voice y'all. That voice! So basso profondo it's like pushing your crotch against a speaker playing the Inception soundtrack. Don't believe me? Watch this clip of him singing in Country Strong (which is out this week and is also featured in my CelebBeehive piece):
Country music ain't my bag but I could and have listened to that a couple of times just to revel in that baritone. Mmm mmm good..

Really? I think Garrett Hedlund looks like he graduated from Mickey Rourke University after six years or got a meth addiction so he could audition for Winter's Bone. He's the oldest 26-year-old I've ever seen.
Ha! A degree from MRU comes with a free post-graduation stay at Betty Ford, it does.
But it's not Garrett's face that's won me over and I totally see what you're getting at there. But a voice like his... it overcomes.
I suppose he also has abs and could get me in touch with Gwyneth... I obviously wouldn't kick him out of bed.
I just don't understand how people just come out of the blue and get famous. I thought he was fine in Tron, but kind of wooden (no pun intended). It is kind of like Sam Worthington. He wasn't popular in the US and then he is in everything at the same time. Manufactured stars - I just don't get it.
I've loved garrett hedlund for years ever since I saw him in Eragon as Murtagh, or in Troy... very very cute, even if he was slightly younger than... anyways, I'm glad he made his comeback in the new movies, and i can't wait for more of his.
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