I doubt I'm the only one taking notice of the pretty boy in a priest collar in the trailer for The Rite (the latest in a long string of movies wherein Sir Anthony Hopkins is invited to develop fangs the better to chew the scenery with). His name is Colin O'Donoghue and if that name doesn't clue you in he's an Irish laddie, and man alive he's got the dark-hair-light-eyes combo that'll melt my sinner's loins every damn time.

But here's a very important question that I can't quite distinguish the answer to- are his eyes blue or are they green? They look different in different pictures!

If you embiggen that they look greenish on the right but blueish on the left. How am I supposed to obsess if I can't keep it straight? God! (Blasphemer.) But seriously...
Anyway he sort of reminds me of this dude who showed up in that Sexy Priests of the Vatican calendar a few years back. You know he's popular in the heavily-incensed dark back-rooms of the Holy See.
Anyway what do we think of The Rite's prospects? My hopes are near nil save Mr. O'Donoghue's prettiness, and the latest trailer gives pretty much everything away anyway.

But here's a very important question that I can't quite distinguish the answer to- are his eyes blue or are they green? They look different in different pictures!

If you embiggen that they look greenish on the right but blueish on the left. How am I supposed to obsess if I can't keep it straight? God! (Blasphemer.) But seriously...
Anyway what do we think of The Rite's prospects? My hopes are near nil save Mr. O'Donoghue's prettiness, and the latest trailer gives pretty much everything away anyway.
For the record, in case anybody's looking to sass, I am aware that his resume lists his eyes as blue, but he could be fibbing. It happens! So do extraneous polls, obviously.
I wanna make his eyes green. :-)
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