Friday, March 17, 2017

What's A Week End

There is one horror movie out this weekend that I know is worth your time (because I have already seen it and reviewed it) and that's The Belko Experiment. There is another horror movie out this weekend that I assume is worth all of our time (because I have not yet seen it but it is the long awaited new movie from a very talented director) and that's The Devil's Candy. (See our post earlier on that.) So there's four hours of your weekend. 

What else are you seeing? Tell me in the comments! Perhaps you're all up in "the exclusively gay moment" of the live-action Beauty and the Beast movie? Perhaps you're looking forward to twirling around with Ryan Gosling & Michael Fassbender? Perhaps Ewan McGregor is all the exclusively gay moment you need? 

Oh and Frantz (my review) is out too! You should see Frantz. I personally, besides the aforementioned Candy break, am making time for Beach Rats, the acclaimed (and apparently pretty stuffed with gay moments itself) out of Sundance flick that's screening as part of the New Directors / New Films series here in NYC this weekend. Here's the trailer (and have a good weekend, everybody):

1 comment:

Joel said...

Well weekend's over but I did watch Cherry Falls on Sunday which was just perfect for how deathly hungover/still drunk I was.