Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Machine Gun Gylly

Well it's been a couple of weeks since we last saw Jake Gyllenhaal manning up on the set of his Michael Bay (sigh) movie Ambulance in Los Angeles, but I guess that's still going on -- IHJM was kind enough to share some photos of just that happening yesterday, many of which I snatched to share here. See the last round of (filthy) photos here, and another couple here. This thing's been shooting for almost 50 days now! That's a lotta Ambulance. 

In related news Jake speaks a little -- just a little -- about this movie on Marc Maron's most recent podcast, which mostly has the two chatting about the differences between acting for movies and acting on the stage (Jake is nominated for a couple of Tonys right now, ya might know). I hadn't listened to Maron's podcast before (I'm not a big podcast person, beside my beloved Gaylords of course) but I listened to this one; anything for Jake. On that note after the jump here are some more photos from the set of a Michael Bay movie (sighhh)...


Anonymous said...

His ass is wasted in those ugly pants.

RSL said...

i would still waste his ass in or out of those pants

Bradley said...

I don’t like Jake like this. I prefer soft romance sweet Jake.

Shawny said...

I’m more interested in his acting than his looks. I think he’s going to land an amazing performance at some point.