Here's a heads-up you should stick your head in and rub it around for a sec -- the 1948 thriller The Big Clock was a discovery of mine thanks to Robert Osbonre of TCM fame; I first wrote about it right here and then I gave it a "Ways Not To Die" post (which is a big spoiler, by the way) a few days later right here. It's got a terrific set-up -- Ray Milland plays a reporter who's framed for murder, but he knows he's been framed for the murder before the cops and newspapers have figured it out. He then gets assigned by his paper to investigate the murder he's been framed for, and so he begins feeding everybody false information while at the same time trying to figure out a way to prove who really did it. Besides just being a fun story the movie is a true beaut to gape upon, casting Noir shadows across the gorgeous mid-century modern office spaces of its time. Oh and it also stars Charles Laughton and Elsa Lanchester -- what more do you even need?
Well how about the whole thing remastered on blu-ray, stuffed with extra features? Yeah that's why we're here -- the fine folks at Arrow have done it again and I can't wait to get my eyes on their new edition, which is out next week. Three of the special features interest me the most -- there is a critical analysis doc by Adrian Wootton; they have actor Simon Callow talking about Laughton as a person and performer; and they have an hour-long 1948 radio dramatization of the film, also performed by Ray Milland. Geek heaven!
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