Monday, July 17, 2023

Good Morning, World

Hard to believe that this is my first time posting any of soccer star Jack Grealish here on the site -- he's certainly someone whose "career" (i.e. photographs of him being hot) I have been following for some time now. Indeed I don't watch soccer nor do I watch that TV show about soccer Ted Lasso, but I'm pretty sure that Grealish was the inspiration, at least visually, for Phil Dunster's character right? And I have posted plenty of Dunster so it's kinda the same thing. Except, well, not really, because...

... look at Jack! Look at him! I could write a thousand page dissertation on his calves alone. Actually you know what, just hit the jump and look at these new photos properly, because what they demand is a good looking...


Shawny said...

I couldn't even get past 15 mins of Ted Lasso.

dre said...

I mean...he's a step up from trade, and I certainly wouldn't kick him out of bed because he looks filthy--in a good way--BUT no great loss on the lack of coverage.