Thursday, April 28, 2022

Good Morning, World

In lieu of Colin Farrell going for a jog in his short-shorts -- it's been two damn weeks, Colin, why are you denying us??? -- I have a behind-the-scenes video of his truly outrageous (and blessedly shirtless) make-up transformation into the Penguin for that dumb Batman movie that he was the only good thing about. And even though he was the best thing about it I still don't really understand why he got the role and not an older character actor who actually looked the part -- they exist, there are lots of them! Whatever, at least he was good, I shouldn't complain (more).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

they made him look like a cross between Anthony Laplagia and Frank Langella. Side note saying those names is the only linguistic exercise actors need to perform.