Monday, February 15, 2021

Good Morning, World

Happy Monday! I hope you and yours and their theirs all enjoyed their their weekends and so on, down the line. Here's an update nobody asked for -- on Friday when I posted those shots of Alexander Skarsgard's lovely little bum I mentioned I hadn't watched the last three episodes of The Stand, right? So I watched them over the weekend, and sure enough no thank you. Sigh! Oh well. At least we got some Skars-bum and this shot of a shirtless James Marsden out of it. It's something. (That's called "the glass is five percent full." I'm such a positive person.) Anyway it's Monday morning, let's get on with it. Hit the jump for a few more gifs...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Why wouldn't they have a sex scene or butt scene for Marsden is beyond me