Friday, October 23, 2020

Good Morning, World

I missed these photos back in September when Deadline talked to Stanley Tucci, Colin Firth, and their director Harry Macqueen for Supernova, the forthcoming homosexual elders film that I shared the tearjerking trailer with y'all a couple weeks back -- I was thinking of Tucci last night thanks to his under-utilized turn in Robert Zemeckis' The Witches, which just hit HBO Max, and thought to myself phew, at least he's got that role coming up. We want our Tucci utilized dang it! Wow that sounded filthy. Yeahhhhh... you utilize that Tucci! Ahem. Anyway. I am hoping to write some thoughts on The Witches before this week is through -- it was my favorite book when I was a child, I should find things to say probably! -- so let's see how today goes. For now just enjoy a couple more Tucci & Co photos after the jump (including further proof that this Harry Macqueen actor-turned-director fella sure is a handsome one)...

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