Monday, February 10, 2020

RIP Robert Conrad

Very sad to hear about the passing of Wild Wild West star (slash fantasy of every gay man of a certain age everywhere) Robert Conrad over the weekend at the age of 84 -- I didn't see any of WWW until I was in my 20s, I was not of the age for it, but man...

... did I get it once I saw it. That show is a ton of campy queer fun though, I recommend every younger gay go find it and watch it. I know we've got some fans here at MNPP -- what are your fave Robert Conrad moments? And click through our archives for plenty more.


Anonymous said...

Never forget that time his tighty whities were exposed when his pants ripped on Wild Wild West and they just went with it.

Anonymous said...

In 1966 Robert Conrad, as James West, shirtless and hairy, made my 12 year old self realize that I was a homosexual. I'm still obsessed with short and hairy men. Thank you Mr. Conrad!

Gooser said...

I am also one of those "men of a certain age" for whom WWW was an eye opener. The camp mostly went over my head at that age, but two secret agents traveling in a train together, one of whom never changed his costume unless it was to remove the shirt and the other who was an expert at disguise. Oh, the subtext!

shaun said...

Truly a bummer -- I was just wondering to myself last week if he was still kicking. At least we'll always have the memory -- and images, so many images -- of a shirtless Jim West in leather chaps bound, chained, and manacled in every possible configuration the confused, adolescent, quite gay mind might imagine. He did more to inform my likes, I believe, than any other sex symbol I've ever encountered (even Jake). Rest in peace indeed.

Anonymous said...

One of the most attractive men ever to be captured on screen. He was one of those famous people I found reassuring that they were still alive. I've been going through Wild Wild West again and was about to post his GIFs/videos so I'm feeling really melancholy right now. Nearing 30 and faced with my own mortality for the first time this year due to health issues I'm getting hopeless about humanity ever finding the elixir to immortality within my lifetime. Anyway he'll be a favourite of mine as long as I live.

Anonymous said...

I too was one of those kids who grew up watching WWW. Not even knowing what sex was at that age, I can still remember being sexually turned on by Robert’s hairy chest and even by seeing him smoking cigars. He was every gay kid’s fantasy. One of the hottest guys ever!

Anonymous said...

I'm not kidding; I just bought the entire series on DVD for $19.96 USD at Walmart yesterday. I'm 24, and I saw an episode of this show months ago and became enamoured of James West in those 'Sin'fully skintight pants. Holy buckets... What An Ass!!

After my initial foray into WWW, I've looked up what can be found on YouTube. I love the gray suits, the blue suits... And don't get me started on thoe black leather chaps, framing that butt in all is 'Sin"tillating glorious tightness.

To be honest, I've jacked off fantasizing about the secret service agent getting pounded, gang banged, mounted, etc. One of my newest fantasies is Jim in thosbitche pants and chaps being captured by a gang of black studs, They slit his pants tight over his mancunt and go to town filling his mouth and ass with BBC over and over until he's their complete and utter bitch!