Monday, July 01, 2019

Pic of the Day


So I ended up going to a Pride event this weekend even though the crowds and noise and glitter of those things are not really my thing -- the temptation to hear Larry Kramer speak at the rally for the Queer Liberation March was enough to push me over my issues. Plus shade, plus the ability to escape quickly. A perfect Pride cocktail! Anyway while we were waiting for the rally to begin who should my boyfriend and I see had plunked down beside us in that shade but the great Cole Escola, who was my favorite thing about Difficult People and then is currently one of my favorite things on At Home With Amy Sedaris. I wasn't going to bother him because I'm shy and this is New York, it always feels uncouth to bug celebs, but my boyfriend has no such qualms and immediately told him what fans we are and got him to pose with the copy of Larry Kramer's book Faggots which he's currently re-reading. (Sidenote: I wish somebody would make a trashy nighttime soap out of Faggots.) Anyway Cole was super sweet and wished us a "Happy Pride" and then Larry Kramer came out and chastised homosexuals for being shitty lazy people who've failed the movement -- it was a perfect Pride afternoon.

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