Tuesday, July 02, 2019

Baby Bill's Blue Movie

If you're into Bill Paxton -- and who isn't into Bill Paxton, may that amazing man who visited the set of Call Me By Your Name and also gave dozens of wonderful performances rest in peace -- then I feel like I need to give a heads-up that his super obscure debut film Taking Tiger Mountain, shot when he was nineteen years old, has just gotten dropped onto ultra-fancy remastered blu-ray and uhh how do I put this lightly...

... there's basically explicit nudity and pornographic sex involved. I can't really say more on it myself, having not seen the film yet, but Mondo here gives a good overview of the film's history and it sounds fairly fascinating. And I wish I could post more photos from it but the ones I've seen are très risqué! He dove right into the movies head first, that Bill. Anybody seen this flick? Consider me curious...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If you want to see a lot of shots of Bill’s fully erect penis, you’ll be happy.