Wednesday, July 10, 2019

10 Off My Head: The First Half of 2019

This is coming a little later than most, my apologies, but making these lists give me panic attacks and you don't want that do you? To murder me right before my birthday? I thought so. It's not really the sorting out what I liked and what I didn't -- I know that, as that's what I'm bleating all day every day here from my itty bitty perch on the internet. I never stop with that nonsense. No what always stresses me out about this specific list is that, thanks to all the film festivals and press screenings, I can no longer suss out a good way to arrange the films I have seen already with the ones that haven't been properly released yet. I don't even know if or when several of the movies I've seen and loved this year will come out. And sorting that out makes me anxious. But I'm here, and I'm trying, and that's enough goddamnit. So now I give you, in alphabetical order and only consisting of the movies that I think have at this point gotten a proper release...

My 10 Favorite Movies of 2019, So Far

Gloria Bell (dir. Sebastian Lelio)
(read my review here)

Her Smell (dir. Alex Ross Perry)
(read my review here)

High Life (dir. Claire Denis)
(read my review here)

Knife+Heart (dir. Yann Gonzalez)
(read my review here)

The Last Black Man in San Francisco 
(dir. Joe Talbot) (read my review here)

Midsommar (dir. Ari Aster)
(read my review here)

The Mustang (dir. Laure de Clermont-Tonnerre)
(read my review here)

Sorry Angel (dir. Christophe Honoré)
(read my review here)

To Dust (dir. Shawn Snyder)
(read my review here)

Us Us (dir. Jordan Peele)
(read my review here)

Runners-up: Woman at War, High Flying Bird, Piercing, 
Transit, Diane, Non-Fiction, Sauvage/Wild, Rocketman

What have been your fave movies of 2019 so far?

1 comment:

Pierce said...

The Chaperone, The Dead Don't Die and Yesterday. Looking forward to Downton Abbey, too.