Tuesday, June 11, 2019

There's Music in the Way That We Kiss

All four of Shout Factory's "Gay Pride" releases this year are out on blu-ray as of today -- last week both Boom and To Wong Foo hit (as an aside I should add here that it somehow escaped me that the Boom blu-ray has a commentary track from John fucking Waters!) and today comes Jeffrey and the pièce de résistance Can't Stop the Music, the astonishingly over-the-top Village People musical starring Steve Guttenberg and Steve Guttenberg's tight pants, among others. 

This movie has been a bit of a pain in the ass to see for a long time, and it is so so worth seeing -- see it. Oh and there's also the rainbow-colored special edition of The Babadook that they put out, which leans into the entertainingly ridiculous internet meme. And a percentage of the proceeds go to a good cause, so get yer gay on.

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