Friday, October 19, 2018

Good Morning, World

Cox Lovers Unite! The third season of Daredevil, aka the only Netflix Superhero Show worth giving a damn about (don't come at me, Jessica Jones fans), has arrived on Netflix today! I haven't watched a lick of it (notice how I can't help but use the word "lick" while staring at Charlie Cox's abs?) yet but I'll surely start 'er up this weekend at some point, when I'm not busy hanging with Jake Gyllenhaal or watching Michael Myers stab people. Do join!


Anonymous said...

It makes me crazy that Charlie Cox, who has incredibly beautiful chest and belly hair, is shaved for this show. I can't even watch it.

Anonymous said...

It makes me crazy that Charlie Cox, who has incredibly beautiful chest and belly hair, is shaved for this show. I can't even watch it.

Anonymous said...

He felt so strongly about CC's chest, he had to double up!!
I agree though.
And since CC is now a dad, he's officially a DILF, smooth or hirsute.