Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Great Moments in Movie Staches

I've still never managed to watch The Lives of a Bengal Lancer all the way through from start to finish but I did catch the last act on TCM this past weekend and was reminded that more than anything else Gary Cooper has a mustache in this movie.
We've posted about this hella gay scene involving Coop and co-star Richard Cromwell before (see here) but, well, not with gifs! And not with video either. I couldn't find the clip online so I recorded it - you'll have to make due without sound but believe me, the visuals are plenty...
The scene continues even past this point and involves Franchot Tone wrangling a snake for Gary Cooper - it's ridiculous, utterly ridiculous, in the best of ways. But you'll have to watch the whole movie for that. For now a smattering of gifs after the jump...


Owen Walter said...

This was my favorite movie as a kid. Strangely, I’ve never seen it as an adult. Don’t know if its imperialist/racial politics would work for me now. But Gary Cooper was at his hottest.

The Rehab Raccoon said...

Gary Cooper bukkake? Yes, please.

Also, given what Dame Angela said regarding their brief, sexless marriage, I'm sure that's not the first batch of creamy white stuff Richard Cromwell has ever had splatter all over his eye. =)