Thursday, March 01, 2018

Good Morning, World

Consider me slow and (obviously) blinkered but I had never even realized until recently when Asian Men began speaking out about it that Asian Men have had trouble in this country being seen as Sexual (and Sexualized) Beings - it never occurred to me because hot damn have you seen Takashi Kaneshiro? Tony Leung? What about Toshiro Mifune or Byung-hun Lee? Come on now, America. Don't be daft. 

Anyway it strikes me now that recent scenes like this one on Alan Ball's new show Here and Now (anybody watching it?) with the clearly virile young actor Raymond Lee are actually important milestones for us in that they're giving Asian-Americans a vital piece of representation that matters. And I, for one, am all for it. Hit the jump for more of Raymond showing us how it's done...


Omar said...

That's hot. He's hot. *licks lips*

Joey said...

I'm literally only watching Here and Now for him. He's delicious.

creamycamper said... that show! And how about the hot bearded boyfriend of Ramón? Oof

Anonymous said...

I had never even realized until recently when Asian Men began speaking out about it that Asian Men have had trouble in this country being seen as Sexual (and Sexualized) Beings - it never occurred to me

lol stfu with that disingenuous bullshit. 90% of this blog is about same faced white men with gym bodies

Jason Adams said...

Thanks for visiting, Anon - I am glad you enjoy your time here :)

[ joe ] said...

Hell yeah I'm watching it and loving it. Too bad there's not yet a lot of talk about it, it seems.
And yes he's bloody hot, but I agree there should be a note on Ramon and his cute bf Henry, they've given us some good moments as well.

[ j ]

Anonymous said...

Someone can tell me what episode it is?