Friday, February 09, 2018

Morgan Spector Seven Times

As an addendum to yesterday's "Do Dump or Marry" post, and as a reminder that Permission is now out in theaters and on iTunes and you should watch it, here (via) are a few pictures of Mr. Morgan Spector - actor, husband to Rebecca Hall, tattoo enthusiast, and owner of one spectacularly curly up-do of which I am very jealous. 

Of course my jealousy for Spector's genetics only start at the hair and move down, down, downward, never really stopping. See lots (and I do mean lots) more of him in our previous posts, and then you can go ahead and hit the jump for all of these pictures...


Remington said...

Fuck, he's yummy!!! Thanks for the reminder, Jason! That hair?! Yeeeees! I'll definitely have to see "Permission" soon and that other film "Split" (if I can ever find a way to watch it). And I had no idea all those tattoos were real! They did a good job of covering them up and/or photoshopping them out of his shirtless scene in "The Mist". So long as he keeps that hair, I'm happy! :)

Unknown said...

I've discovered this handsome tatooed man in The Mist. Now I want to know everything about him. He really caught my attention.😉