Thursday, November 09, 2017

Good Morning, Gratuitous Billy Howle

I hope that the actor Billy Howle will forgive me for having no fucking idea what character he played in Dunkirk earlier this year, since nobody but nobody actually had a "character" to play in that movie - they were furrowed brows and hairdos, mostly. (Guess it's monthly reminder that I fucking hated Dunkirk time.) 

Seriously, I just now looked at pictures of the kids in Dunkirk and I have no idea which one is him. But anyway I noticed that it is Billy's 28th birthday today and I realized I had a bunch of pictures of him buried on my computer from when Dunkirk came out and I, full of hate for myself, found myself googling it's un-merry band of adorable twinks even despite my filmic reservations.

Things look good for Billy ahead - he's got the movie version of The Seagull with Saorsie Ronan and Annette Bening, and he is one of the many hot-dude faces populating Outlaw King, the "Aaron Taylor-Johnson's Beard" movie we've mentioned several times already. So maybe he can put this Dunkirk travesty behind him. Hit the jump for a few dozen more pictures (including some gay kissing from some show called Glue)...


Anonymous said...

Have you watched Jeremie Reinier being buttfucked and other crazy things happening in L'Amant Double yet?

Adrian C said...

He was good in Glue! and quite nice to look at.

Anonymous said...

I'm honestly surprised his nude scene in Glue didn't feature here - I think all the main male cast got it out at least once?

Jason Adams said...

I'm honestly surprised I didn't come across that scene while looking him up this morning! If you have a link, share. I would very clearly like to see it I'll go looking myself...

Anonymous said...

There's a link to screencaps here - - it was actually the very first scene of the show

Anonymous said...

He really reminds me of Evan Peters!