Friday, May 20, 2016

Tuckered Out

Yeah so as I've made mention of a couple times today my brain's a little on the fritz today, with exhaustion and what-not (mostly what-not), so at this point I can say with crystal certainty that I won't be writing any Neighbors 2 review before it's time for me to run off and see Jessica Lange on stage. Oh well! No need to beat myself up for it - Jonathan Tucker can beat me up tomorrow when I see him and his Kingdom cast-mates in person at the Vulture Festival. (I mean that, Jonathan.) (Really, I do.) Anyway have a great weekend, everybody... and oh right, go see Neighbors 2 - it is pretty funny! There, I reviewed it! Slap that on the poster -- "PRETTY FUNNY, says Internet Person."

1 comment:

dre said...

What a hunk!