(photographed by Jody Rogac for the NYT)
"I now forgive Calvin Klein for previously hiring Justin Bieber as a model. I literally stopped buying the brand at that. I will reconsider now."--- MNPP commenter Dan approves, as do we all, of CK's use of Aaron Taylor-Johnson as their latest underwear model. Our baby boy is looking good!
homeslice broke my heart so many times in 'lilting'.
He is so hot, and one of the finest actors working today. Outstanding in Lifting, nice role in The Danish Girl, and terrific as Richard II on TV. I saw him as Hamlet at the Old Vic, a play I've seen many, many times, and he's the best Hamlet I've ever seen, probably because he was closest in age to the character and gave a powerful, calculated performance!
I agree with all the above statements, totally. However, I do wish dear Ben would get a little more meat on his bones. I thought he was hot in Perfume, a film nobody saw, but he just looks to me like the smallest breeze would topple him. I'd love him more for a little less delicacy.
I re-watched The Lobster the other night and that exact convo (re: meat on his bones) came up, Anon -- my boyfriend and I agreed that he looks like, in that film, he ate a couple of sandwiches (just a couple mind you, nothing CRAZY). Anyway I actually think it might be the most attractive I've ever found him. I esp. like the flat-top-ish haircut he's rocking in it. Here's a picture.
Ben is everything. I adored him in London Spy.
Not a fan of that scraggly beard, tbh.
Yes, he's great in London Spy. The whole miniseries was fascinating. It's worth checking out. The actor playing his bf is quite hunky, too.
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