Now that The Diary of a Teenage Girl is out on blu-ray I was just curious if y'all have gotten the chance to see it yet? It's one of my favorite films of 2015 (here's my review) and I think about it all the time, and no not just because of Naked Alexander Skarsgard. Okay maybe the Naked Alexander Skarsgard helps get the ball rolling but after that it's totally the goodness of the movie Naked Alexander Skarsgard is in, I promise.
It's a shame the film never gained any traction with the Academy but I guess it's way out of their wheelhouse - it should've at least gotten an Adapted nom though, right? The travesty that is everything involving The Big Short up to and including its terrible script is a damn thief - Heller took a tough ass (beautifully so) book by Phoebe Gloeckner and made screen magic with it. Although clearly casting played a big role. It'll be tough to go back and read Phoebe's book again and not see Bel & Alex & Kristen in the roles though. Yes yes, especially the dirty parts involving Alex. And speaking of, getting the the point, hit the jump for I have made you a few more gifs...
I watched it a couple of weeks ago on Netflix and absolutely loved it. Alexander was sexy as fuck in it. Kristen was very good (I actually prefer her in dramas like this than her comedies). The female lead I'd never heard of before but she was terrific and more than held her own against the veterans.
I adored this movie.
Why so modest, Alexander? We've seen your ass, we've seen your willy. There's nothing really to hide anymore.
Stop hiding, you're beautiful!
Just saw it last night, FINALLY. Really great. Aside from the excellent Bel Powley, and the sex-zay Alexander Skarsgard, the presentation of Aline Kominsky as a sort of spiritual advisor to the heroine = all kinds of awesome (other alt-cartoonists will know what I'm talking about). Everybody please read the source material by Phoebe Gloeckner too.
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