Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Today's Fanboy Delusion

Today I'd rather be...

... sharing a space-pod with Jonathan Tucker.

Bless you, Bryan Fuller. 

So who watched High Moon last night? I want a show of hands so I can slap every single person silly who opted out. While it was a little rickety in the way pilots tend to be - a lot of exposition, a lot of actors still figuring out who their character is, et cetera - it was also a lot of fun in a smart, non-snarky (I'm looking at you Sharknado et al) way and I would've loved to see where Bryan & Co would've taken it if given the chance. And yes...

... there was a gay couple and they weren't played as a joke, or a ruse, or anything. When the hell do you see that taken seriously anywhere near science-fiction? Also...

... can we talk about those uniforms? Not that we wouldn't have brought them up anyway but we're allowed to because a character on the screen (Charity Wakefield, who was having a blast and it showed) brought it up.

We should picket the offices of SyFy with those outfits on the ends of pitchforks for being denied more of that business, I tell ya what. In summation...

... "It's just DNA."


Uncle Mike said...

It's on my DVR. I'll probably have to wait until Wednesday to watch it though...

das buut said...

I DVRed it, watched it, and I am so damn mad that it's not going to series. It was so much fun, if a bit confusing without certain scenes to set up the plot. They greenlighted Warehouse 13 and that shit fest Christian apocalypse series, this should have been given a 6 episode order.

Another reason, we got teased about the Belly Dancing Robot. There was no Belly Dancing Robot!!!

Scot said...

We had a pretty good storm here last night and it knocked out the cable for several hours. (thankfully my DVR is full of episodes of The Strain!) Any idea when SyFi will be re-broadcasting it?

notthebeachboy said...

It was so much more amazing that I ever imaged. It was batshit-crazy-awesome. Without spoiling anything, I loved the "Japanese Toys" part. At first, I was like "This is just stupid" until Mikiko showed up and made everything hilarious... She popped!!