Tuesday, May 01, 2012

Do Dump or Marry - Margot Tenenbaum's Beaus

We already asked you "Which is hotter?" with regards to one of his movies this morning as a celebration of this here forty-third name day for the director Wes Anderson, but then this query here occurred to us and it seemed too good to leave until next year. And there really can't be enough Wes Anderson talk anyway, if you ask me. (And who knows, we could be dead by then. When the Mayans show up in their space-time-machines and murder us, you know.) 

So pretend you're Margot Tenenbaum (I often do). 
You've got...

... the bad boy painter and author of Western-themed books Eli Cash, who will send your mother his clippings and drive under the influence of mescaline...

... the unerringly polite neurologist 
and friend of Dudley, Raleigh St. Clair...

... and the troubled one-time tennis champion Richie,
 who is kind of totally your brother but not really. 

You've got to choose one of your beaus to do,
 one to dump, and one to marry. Where do they fall?


The Bloody Munchkin said...

Absolute Marry is Richie Tenenbaum, with awesome fro and the great sweatband he's a sportin', what's not to love for eva and eva! The other one's a tough call.

Guess I would Do Raleigh and Dump Eli, but it could really go either way. I guess it would depend in what context Dudly is involved. Ew, not like that you perv! Or maybe like that, I'm not sure.

Prospero said...

Do Eli
Dump Raleigh
Marry Richie

Joe Reid said...

Look, the only reason for anyone to marry Richie Tenenbaum is to be part of the Tenenbaum family, but if I'm Margot, I'm ALREADY a Tenenbaum (albeit by adoption), so what's the draw, then? DO him and be done.

DUMP poor sad Raleigh, though feel bad about it.

Which leaves you to MARRY Eli Cash. Which is going to be a project and a half, I will grant you.

Joey said...

Marry Richie because he's all kinds of adorable. We can both lay in a tent and smoke cigarettes and listen to records.

Do Raleigh because he's nice and I'd feel really bad leaving him.

Dump Eli because he's kind of an asshole.