Tuesday, May 01, 2012

5 Off My Head - May Day May Day


Although it's officially been Spring since March 20th today the first of May marks the delightful pagan holiday that is May Day, so it's like really Spring now, or whatever. Spring isn't my favorite season or anything - it's rainy and it means my most least favorite season of Summer is right around the corner. But there are movie-related things about it that are brought to mind that make me happy. Like what, you ask? Why I will tell you! Here are five random movie scenes that make me think of Spring. (And they all involve singing and/or dancing, which apparently equals Spring for me.)

The "They just did it" number in (500) Days of Summer - This won't be the first time that birds flying onto somebody fingertip will be on this list, but Joseph Gordon-Levitt will be the cutest one on the receiving end (and yes I obviously phrased it that way on purpose). I can't even remember if it's supposed to be Springtime in this scene, but it feels like Springtime to me, anyway.

The Umbrellas of Cherbourg - I just brought this movie up the other day, and every year once the rain settles in I think about how grand it would be to transport myself out of the depressing gray stupor of rainy reality into the technicolor dream-coat of storm-clouds inside Demy's masterpiece. And then I remember how sad the movie actually is and I get over it.

"Springtime For Hitler" from The Producers
Look out! Here comes the master race!

The end of Mars Attacks - This is another one where it's not definitively Spring but feels like it because of the appearance of singing and birds flying onto fingertips. Tom Jones is just bonus.

All around the maypole in The Wicker Man - The definitive May Day movie, of course. You just can't have a May Day celebration without getting naked and making what they call "a bustle in your hedgerow" and then burning people alive. You just can't.

What movies make you think of Spring?


billybil said...

Oh JA - what a wonderful collection in honor of spring. Thank you so much.

Has anyone looked better in light cords than Joseph Gordon-Levitt in that scene? My god he looks so yummy walking and dancing in that oufit - like the perfect urban male of our time. That costume alone deserves some sort of award. And he's so fucking cute and charming!!

And believe it or not I've never seen Umbrellas of Cherbourg so I watched this clip in total innocence. I sort of knew the melody was from that movie - but oh my God. OK - I cried. To have it all happen like that during one song and for her to be left alone like that...and the way the music crescendos after he's gone - oh my.

I love Springtime for Hitler - it is such a delight. Certainly one of Mel Brooks' finest moments.

And wtf with that Tom Jones clip? So funny! Yes, all the animals circle around Tom to welcome spring!

I couldn't watch the final clip right now but the first 4 already made this a delightful post. THANKS!!!

Seriously - doesn't Mr. Gordon-Levitt need some tlc? I would be so pleased to go over and provide him some. Really.

maja said...

beginning of the "hair", the "aquarius" sequence in the park. yes, i know it's not spring but fall if i'm not mistaken, but the whole feel good vibe of it, like some sort of awakening, i just always pictured it as spring. and "aquarius" is my spring anthem.
and it's definitely my favorite opening sequence. ever. pure perfection.of

billybil said...

God I'm gonna seem like such a wuss - but Maja I know what you mean. When I saw that number in Hair I cried. It was so full of life and energy and spirit and...ah hell, I sound like some new age cry baby. "But you are, billy - you are!"

maja said...

hey, if you're a wuss then i'm a wuss! :D
indeed, well said- bursting with energy and spirit. and so perfectly choreographed, the horses, that tai chi or whatever lady, and yes, beverly d'angelo in slow motion on a horse. that moment is just so divine, and i totally understand claude.
when it comes to tears in "hair", i save them till the very end. it gets to me every single time.