Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Jean Dujardin Five Times


I want you all to take note of how he's wearing Plaid Pants in that last pic on the right. It's a signal to me! I'm coming, Jean! Ahem. Via GQ. And as if we need more cause to love him, in Dujardin's interview he says he "adores" Paul Newman. Good taste, Frenchman! They could've made a great pair. Paul Newman takes France, where Jean Dujardin takes Paul Newman. I like it. Somebody get me a time machine and a Hollywood producing contract!



Cinderelmo said...

uM Dwar my new plaid pants hi this is me and I would like to say finally in your last post about Jean Dujardin the Frenchman you finally posted some nude pics of him that is from his OSS 117: Lost in Rio so please can you cap more of his nude scenes he had another nude scene in that film from the back with an hospital gown and in his other movie called il ne faut jurer de rien he was naked but unforutanlly with the loss of megavideo and scenes of male skin those nude scenes are gone but can you cap more of jean's nude scenes please.

Cinderelmo said...

Um @ Dear my new plaid pants hi this is me and I would like to say finally in your last post about Jean Dujardin the Frenchman you finally posted some nude pics of him that is from his OSS 117: Lost in Rio so please can you cap more of his nude scenes he had another nude scene in that film from the back with an hospital gown and in his other french movie called il ne faut jurer de rien ,he walks naked in an embarrassing scenario he was naked but unforutanlly with the loss of megavideo and scenes of male skin those nude scenes are gone but can you cap more of jean's nude scenes please.

Joe Reid said...

He looks weird, I'm sorry.