Monday, June 21, 2010

The Mike & Joe Show


Ooh now here's a duo-to-do-battle that I can get behind! Via THR:

"Michael Shannon will play the villain in "Premium Rush," a Columbia thriller starring Joseph Gordon-Levitt...

"Rush" centers on a New York bike messenger (Gordon-Levitt) who picks up an envelope at Columbia University, only to be chased throughout the city by a dirty cop desperate to get his hands on it.

Shannon plays the deceptively affable cop with a violent temper."

If you turned the word "cop" in that last sentence into a fill-in-the-blank, you could use that sentence for pretty much all of Shannon's career, bless his deceptively affable and violent soul.


breedaniels said...

Hey JA, Have you seen "Cropsey" or "The Exploding Girl"?

Jason Adams said...

Haven't seen either of those yet...

Simon said...

If this thing goes through, I'm preordering my ticket.

What is today's banner, please?

Jason Adams said...

It's from this, Simon.