Monday, June 21, 2010

Sir Tilda

As I stated last week I can't get enough of interviews with Tilda Swinton. Never enough, insatiable for her. Thankfully with I Am Love hitting the States this past weekend, a labor of love between her and film-maker Luca Guadagnino spanning the past ten years or so, she's deigned to chat up a billion websites and there's been plenty o' Swinton to go around. Here's my fave bit from her interview with Cinematical:

Cinematical: It seems like you will be a dame one day.

Swinton: A dame? I'd so much rather be a knight.

Cinematical: But what would you think of becoming a dame? Would that mean something to you?

Swinton: It would, of course, be a great honor to be asked whether one would. I don't know. But I think Sir Tilda sounds so much better.

I saw I Am Love yesterday after much build-up and... do you ever see a movie and know as soon as it's over that it's something you need to soak in again before you feel like you can really form an opinion on it? That's how I felt when it was finished. I liked it a great deal but feel like I could love it upon a second viewing. It's one that'll grow, I think, with time and with thought. I know, those are both dirty words in today's now-now insta-culture, so obviously the movie's a tremendous failure and Tilda should just voice a robot in Transformers 3 next.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Viclorious Glictory!

Gloricticus Vlory!

Vlorius Hickory!