Wednesday, September 09, 2009

What I Missed...

... by not watching last night's second season premiere of Sons of Anarchy (even though yesterday I contemplated doing just that):

Thankfully the internet forgives such lapses in judgment without allowing even the slightest time to feel guilty. Wham bam ass-pics in a few hours everywhere! I love you, internet. Also, I love you, Charlie Hunnam's ass. I love you most of all!


Joe Reid said...

Well now I'm watching it.

J.D. said...

Once I realized Katey Segal was on it I contemplated it as well. Now I have to fucking watch this show.

Where the hell was all the talk for it in the first place, though?

Melissa said...

Katey is fantastic in the show. Almost as fantastic as Charlie Hunnam's ass.

S said...

His ass is all grow'd up!

Branden said...

I have been watching it since the first season. It's available on Hulu.

Damn, Charlie's ass is so inviting!

Steven said...

My first thought when I saw him in the shower was that I was going to have to make some screengrabs for you.

Jason Adams said...

Aww Steven! That's sweet. If there's one place I want my imprint left for all time, so that all future generations will look upon it and think of me, it would be Charlie Hunnam's ass. ;-)