Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Yes It Is


A very very happy birthday going out to SMG. She's turning a lovely and talented (and pregnant!) 32 today. I always space on the fact that she and are very nearly the exact same age (she's three months and a day older). Anyway, this being her day, here's to hoping all unflattering images and impressions directed at her...

... are left behind for the time being. Hey, did ya hear about that show she's doing for HBO? I keep spacing on that one too. Here's some info on it. Might be promising, right?


Marcello Talone said...

I wish she could have more Buffys, Krystas and Kathryns inside her to entertain us..

Anonymous said...

It's the little stick-figure Buffy, complete with bow and arrow, that kills me...

Kristine said...

I LOVE that episode. =)