Tuesday, April 21, 2009

What Do You Think...


... Walter will want to stick his hands into tonight on Fringe?
My guess is lava.
Lava, or peanut butter. Or the cow.


scroggins said...

How did you see "Shivers?" Did you watch a VHS tape or something?

Jason Adams said...

I could tell you, Harry, but then I'd have to kill you.

scroggins said...

*stomps away grumbling*

Jason Adams said...

Oh my god Harry - I just noticed that your picture is of Hombré from Even Dwarfs started Small! Ack! AWESOMENESS!

I found Shivers online. Through... questionable means, if you will.

scroggins said...


I was surprised to find that you had just seen it for the first time recently. Seems like you had a great film-watching weekend: Cronenberg, Herzog, Lynch - I was supremely pleased (but not surprised) to find that you'd given your highest rating (except for that one time you gave The Passion of Joan of Arc an A+)to Eraserhead.

Love Eraserhead. Apparently Kubrick screened it for his cast and crew during pre-production for The Shining. Seriously.

Jason Adams said...

I had a shitty movie weekend the weekend before, so I made sure to have a weekend of "watch a bunch of movies you've been meaning to see for ages" weekend this past one. And it was AWESOME. I did enjoy all those flicks, thoroughly. Eraserhead fucking kicked ass, I can't believe it took me so long to watch it. But now I'll probably watch it a billion more times so I'll catch up!