Thursday, November 13, 2008

Pics of the Day

There's an interview with Jake Gyllenhaal on the set of Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time over at Entertainment Tonight's website in which Jakey's seen flitting about in some sort of low-cut blouse and blabbing to some interview wench about how buff he is and blah blah blah I am tired and have nothing constructive to say about this. But here are some stills that I grabbed from the clip!



Joe Reid said...

I have really started to resent this movie.

Anonymous said...

I think he sounds and looks great.

Joe Reid, wtf, why would you have reason to resent this movie?

JA, I get the sad feeling that you do not like Jake anymore?!? :(

Jason Adams said...

sam, I will always and forever have a place in my cold and loveless heart for Jake. He and I are just having a rough go of it these days. Like Joe, I'm not sold on the prospects of this movie either. They need to CG up that hair-don't, first off. And he appears to be wearing a large turquoise shell belt.