Thursday, November 13, 2008

Quote of the Day

Whenever Ryan Reynolds says anything at all whatsoever, I laugh and smile and think how amazingly witty and clever and beautiful he is and oh my god would you just take your pants off man? So I may not be able to separate myself enough from my deranged lust to judge if anything he says actually is funny or clever or witty... it must be hard being him, when everyone is just smiling and nodding and imagining him naked at every given moment, no? Anyway, this is the amazingly clever and witty and naked thing he had to say about how hungry he was upon finishing the NYC marathon (via):

"You’re just craving anything. I think I sat down to a 10,000-calorie dinner. Onlookers were just in slack-jawed horror, watching me put back two chocolate sundaes, three tuna wrap type things… I had some spaghetti and meatballs.

I flossed later, and a small child fell out. It was pretty gross."

HA HA HA HA HA naked.

1 comment:

Girodet said...

I don't know who is funnier you or Ryan. Nonetheless you made me giggle at work.